Wednesday, August 24, 2011

East Coast Earthquake of 2011

It's a good thing I haven't left for London yet. If I had I never would have had the opportunity to experience my first earthquake. I know, I know, all of us east coasters were FREAKING OUT yesterday when we felt the earth move underneath us. Of course all those Californians are calling us babies for all the hullabaloo we have created over this 5.8, and yes, no one was hurt (thank God), but it WAS sort of a big deal for us. All fifteen seconds that it lasted were scary. The thoughts that ran through my head as I sat on my bed were, in chronological order:
    1) Is the mouse back behind my bed?
    2) Am I making this bed move?
    3) Is it the construction next door?
    4) Oh my God, I think this is an earthquake.
    5) What do I do? I'm all alone.
    6) Do I leave?
    7) Do I get underneath something?
    8) I think I need to call my mom.
    9) Uh, I feel seasick.

This is honestly the thought process I went through in the buildup of those fifteen seconds. It was so soft at first and then I thought I might have imagined it because it stopped for a couple seconds then just got bigger and bigger. It was no longer just my bed going back and forth like a boat on waves, but the grates on my window were shaking as well as my doors and lamps. I was almost frozen with a confused fear. If it had lasted any longer I honestly don't know what I would have done. Probably run out of the building at that point. Because I'm no longer at my job I was just sitting on my bed packing up my clothes...alone. It wasn't until I posted a Facebook status asking what had just happened (thinking I might be one of the only ones) that I was informed. I tried Googling it initially but nothing came up. After a couple attempts it finally showed up. Turned on the TV and within minutes of it happening it was all over every channel. Goes to show you how speedy the media can be. My phone wasn't working when I tried to call people because the lines were all clogged up with people looking to call family and whatnot. Of course Facebook exploded as well. It's so funny to see how we are so hugely attached to technology. Even if the news wasn't there to cover the story, everyone could have found out just as fast through Facebook and Twitter. Unbelievable. Even though it was a scary moment, I am happy I finally got to experience it. I hope never to experience it again on any greater scale.

The hype also gave a lot of comedians some solid material. David Letterman based his top 10 list around "Things heard during the earthquake." I also discovered this beauty floating around twitter:

DC Earthquake Devastation:
Underneath it read: Thanks to all of you for your kind words of support, as we look to recover from the devastation of today's quake!
 Haha! Thanks to for making us laugh!

In other exciting daily news, I finally received my welcome packet from school via e-mail. It had all the information on registration and included a loose class schedule. It is so strange how the schedule works. It's looking like I will be in classes every Friday and then there are a couple days set aside as all day special lectures. I was warned that at first I would be surprised by how "little" work it would feel like, but as soon as I get into an internship, that would change. Besides, the whole point of this program is to get out do the internships and get practical experience. To be honest, that's what I am most looking forward to. I cannot wait to dive right in! Sadly I have to wait until October 6th for the first day of registration. I'm moving over the 19th of September and have a few weeks to settle in...but I'd honestly like to get started as soon as possible. Maybe that spare time will give me a chance to get a job under my belt. Time will tell I suppose.

Tonight I am home on Cape Cod after a long bus ride from New York. I must admit it's good to come back to see my three furry best friends! Maisy is our beautiful Golden. Oliver (Ollie) is the little white monster child. And Huckleberry is the kitty. He is saying hi in the bottom left photo. I love those guys so much. I could spend the whole day just hanging out with them. They are truly the best! Anyways, the reason I am home: I am on the Cape for the next couple of days to help out my brother with the democratic campaign for State Senate he has been working on for the past couple of months as a summer internship. We are hosting the candidate, Alan Khazei, and supporters for a meet and greet tomorrow night after he does a tour of Cape businesses, mostly set up and planned by my little brother. Ah, I'm such a proud sister! Anyways, I will be playing party planner all day while Joe (my brother) goes from event to event and then back to the house at night. I must say, I'm no expert in politics, but I can plan a mean party! I'm excited to help him and the whole campaign with my event planning skills. More to follow tomorrow! Goodnight all!

1 comment:

  1. Yep, had to check facebook before I could confirm your fears. Probably should put my phone away sometimes!
