Friday, September 2, 2011

6 flights of stairs, one year older, some tennis and a giant cupcake

It’s been a while since I’ve updated and A LOT has happened! I moved out of New York City, turned 23 and even managed to fit some US Open tennis in the middle of it all! I’ve had a dead laptop for the past few days as I left my charger on Cape Cod. It’s ok though, just a little more excitement to jam pack into this post!


I’ve moved a lot in the past five years. In and out of school at least ten times, in and out of camp cabins four times, overseas and back for my study abroad semester. I’ve also moved back to my house multiple times in the interim. However, NOTHING compares to this move. This is the first time I’ve had my own furniture to move out as well as SIX flights of stairs to move EVERYTHING up and down. Thank God our dads came and helped us lug all our crap down and out. When we were finally done loading a normal size U-Haul chock full of our crap, I couldn’t function. FEEL THE BURN! My quads were on fire! Of course my roommate Hanna and I knew the perfect way to put up our feet after a long day…Mani/Pedis!!! Obviously we had just emptied our apartment and had to get rid of everything in the refrigerator. We couldn’t just toss the big bottle of vino in the fridge! As we had packed away all the glasses, we opened Hanna’s Nalgene and filled that sucker up, packed it in the bag and hopped on a bus to go get our nails done. It was a great way to end a exhausting day. I highly recommend it.

Like Just Yesterday

I spent my last night in the apartment alone on an air mattress in a barren apartment. Hanna had already moved into her new place so it was sort of sad and lonely. Have you ever had that feeling when you feel like it was just yesterday that you had done something that was actually over a year earlier? Like college? When I was graduating, it felt like it was just yesterday that I was at my orientation moving into my freshman dorm. It feels like just yesterday I was moving into my 6th floor walk-up Harlem apartment with a year of adventure ahead of me. I was about to start the coolest internship at a major casting company and really didn’t know what else the year would bring, which was the most exciting of all. I met some amazing people that have become lifelong friends. I’ve had some incredible experiences and opportunities that I will never forget and have helped to shape my future and who I am. I learned more than I could have ever imagined. I learned a lot about myself and have grown up a lot. Thanks New York! Now let’s see what London has in store for me.

Celebrating 23 Years
Catching up with old friends
Yesterday, September 1st, was my 23rd birthday. It sounds so weird to say I’m 23. I know its young, but its still weird to say! I knew I wanted to celebrate my birthday in New York with my friends. My brother was planning on going to the US Open with friends from his tennis team, so we made a day of it, and we let my mom join. We spent the day watching some fun tennis and enjoying the exciting atmosphere. Here’s how I feel about tennis…I like it because I was forced to like it. I grew up in a tennis family. They tried to get me to play, but I was a theatre kid through and through. My brother continued on to play #1 in high school and on a really good Division III college team. For the longest time I boycotted tennis. It was shoved in my face non-stop so much that I rebelled and made sure everyone knew how much I disliked the sport. Sadly it was the sport that I knew the most about and knew the most players. I think over time I was able to realize that tennis was part of my upbringing and I became a really great tennis cheerleader. I couldn’t deny it. Sure enough, I had a great time at the Open yesterday.

That night, my mom, brother and I met up with a couple of my closest friends to do a small get together of drinks and appetizers. My best friend Corinne brought me a giant cupcake from Crumbs bakery. So delicious! I shoved my whole face into it…encouraged by my friends of course. Thinking about it today…stupid idea! We were even lucky enough to have an old friend of my family’s join us. Igal, a tennis pro from our summer days, was in town as he is coaching one of the tennis players at the Open. I love how everyone was from different friend groups of mine, but we were all able to have a good time with lots of laughs. It was a great day and I can always rely on Facebook to make me feel loved on my birthday. Gotta love that Facebook lets everyone know when it’s your birthday so you can get more birthday wishes than you ever had before Facebook was created. If I could, I would “LIKE” that feature.
Not a proud moment
The box the cupcake came in looked like it was a Build-A-Bear

So that’s it….it’s been a whirlwind couple of days, but just a huge step towards the most important move of all…LONDON!

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