Monday, October 10, 2011

First Day of Classes


One of my biggest fears about leaving the working world and heading back to school was the lack of a paycheck. It is so nice to have the satisfaction in knowing that money will be there waiting for you in your bank account every other week. I was scared to let that security go…even though it wasn’t much of a security. I am a worrier and I tend to panic randomly. One of my big reasons for panic is not being able to financially support myself. Checking my bank account online is like avoiding a root canal for me. I put it off and put it off until I really can’t avoid it any longer.

You can imagine my freak out when I saw my schedule for the next month of bartending. I assumed I was going to have the solid 20 hours/week that my visa allows and make the money I need to stay afloat. Turns out I’ve been demoted to 10-15 hours/week which means I can pay about half my rent. You would think I could do better seeing as my boyfriend is assistant manager but sadly his power for that was usurped. I can’t do much complaining until I work more and have the right to ask for more hours. Until then I have been brainstorming ideas to make an extra quid here or there. P.s. “quid” is slang for a pound here. It is sort of like saying “five bucks” in America but you would say “five quid” here. I’ve gotten pretty used to the term and love using it.

So how can I find some more money? Besides the fact that Matt and I have together gained a bit of a gambling problem. We’ve done everything from hoping we will win the lottery, trying to win bets on the football to even trying our luck at a Pub Quiz machine. Sadly not much of that has been lucrative. Matt won a bit of money on the football while I won six pounds on a scratch card. We lost about ten pounds playing on the pub quiz machine Saturday night, which was embarrassing but really fun! Through all this failed luck I think I’ve decided to put my Martha Stewart talents to work. Oooooo it would be good to be living with Hanna again right about now. Hanna (my NYC roomie and longtime friend) and I were super crafty together. We made homemade Christmas gifts together and spent many hours at Michael’s Crafts Store. She always has a box of paper or fabric samples and her sewing kit at arm’s length. We had this idea of making headbands and clips with cute little fabric flowers attached. We had a tendency to see things in a store and say, “we could totally make that.” Anyways, I’m thinking of crafting a line of hair accessories and once I have enough, I want to bring them to an arts and crafts fair and see if I can sell them. I know I won’t make a ton of money off of it, but it will be a fun project and I really want to “give it a go,” as they would say over here. Thoughts? As soon as I make a couple I will take pictures and post them here for further comments and suggestions. I’m putting up these pictures so you can have an idea of what I mean.


Today we officially started classes and we were hit with all our coursework and outline for the year. That wasn’t as painful as some of the “all-postgrad bonding” exercises we had to do. As an isolated program, I can tell I am going to get along well with my peers. It was nice to share a bond with them as soon as we walked into the auditorium filled with all the graduate students. It’s sad but funny when a group of students walks into the auditorium together and you can instantly tell “oh they are DEFINITELY actors.” Or, “those are the technical kids.” But it’s also comforting to know you are in a group of people who you can relate to in such a huge way. Even though it was a long day, I loved getting to know all of these people in a much more relaxed environment than it was at the scary and daunting orientation.
I also just want to finish this up by noting that I realized a huge dream of mine coming true today. At lunch I was sitting in a hallway with some other students eating and chatting. Because it was lunch there were tons and tons of students running up and down the stairs, some in their “theatre blacks” (the all black uniform usually worn by theatre people), others carrying giant rehearsal bags and some in dance and movement clothing. I realized in that moment, I had finally made it to that performing arts school, just like in Fame, that I had always dreamed of attending. Not to mention it was one of the best performing arts schools in all of the UK with an amazing list of alums. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t regret any of my educational choices in the past, but I am finally getting this performing arts school experiences that I always wanted to be a part of. I never saw this opportunity as that until today which was a fun realization.

Alright, off to do pages and pages of reading for school!

1 comment:

  1. What, you all didn't immediately push the lunch tables together and break out into "la vie boheme"?? Lame. ;)
